
Become aware of the pull from above. Respond joyously to it.

-Roberto Assagioli-

Psychosynthesis was conceived in the early 20th century by Italian psychiatrist, Roberto Assagioli (1988-1974). Assagioli was a keen student of psychoanalysis but found its focus on pathology and lower drives too limiting. What he suggested was a more optimistic concept of the psyche which, foreshadowing Maslow's humanistic psychology, took into consideration our human potential for creativity, joy, solidarity and spiritual connection.   

Assagioli Psychosynthesis

Integrative and Practical

  Psychosynthesis is an inclusive therapeutic system, blending talking therapy and analytical principles with creative and experiential techniques from Gestalt and Art therapy, as well as CBT and solution focused tools to help ground insights into daily life

Psychosynthesis therapy sessions are tailored to the needs and sensibility of each client and may include experiential techniques like

  • subpersonality work
  • inner dialogue
  • guided imagery 
  • dream-work
  • free drawing
  • expressive art therapy
  • journal writing
  • breathing exercises
  • meditation and mindfulness



Psychosynthesis counselling and psychotherapy work with mind, body and feelings to help us reconnect to our deeper self: that inner core of compassionate understanding and wise action which makes us feel alive and positively involved in the world.

We all "have" a self. In fact, self is who we are in essence. Yet, while self is innate, childhood adversity or certain aspects of our upbringing may get in the way of accessing its guidance.

The aim of Psychosynthesis counselling/therapy is to help us reconnect with who we are at that deeper level.
It offers ways of understanding and healing what made us lose trust in our self, so that we can restore a sense of inner cohesion and life purpose.

All of who we are...

Do you ever feel so conflicted  that you are  unable to make a decision ? Have you ever wondered what 'got over you' and got caught in a cycle of impulsivity and regret

While most of us think of ourselves as 'one', we also often experience our inner life as a dynamic tension, even outright conflict, between different parts or 'subpersonalities'  pursuing seemingly incompatible agenda s. 

One of the tasks of Psychosynthesis counselling and psychotherapy is to understand, integrate and balance these various subpersonalities, so that we can feel more whole and channel our energies more effectively and lovingly.

Psychosynthesis resources

To know more about Psychosynthesis therapy and Psychosynthesis events in Galway

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